I am Elana

23 Jun

Elana is a seven year old girl. She lives in the North East of Scotland near an airbase that is soon to be closing and a farm with Black Angus cows.  My grandma great had a ranch in Colorado where she kept Black Angus cows that came from the place I now live in.

I love Pokemon, She-Ra, horses, My Little Ponies, anything pink.  Except the guts of animals they are yucky.  My favourite colour is pink, pink and more pink. I never leave the house without wearing some pink. 

I like Big Cats, Tigie is my cuddlie toy she no longer has stripes but used to be a white tiger. Mum says I fed her macaroni cheese and she had to go in the washing and she came out without any stripes.  But I still love Tigie.  She is now a big grey.  I love all sorts of big cats like leopards, cheetahs, lions, jaguars and lots of others. I am going to research them for my blog and write some new Pokemon stories.

Hello world!

21 Jun

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